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The Quid for Which There is No Quo
"When one considers the facts, it appears undeniable that the human capacity to earn affects the human capacity to yearn. Purchasing power renders us prey to the sales pitch. And sales pitches befuddle the soul's longing. Animals have no purchasing power. They cannot easily be manipulated into yearning for things that are not aligned with their essence. This is why advertisers leave them alone. A... posted on Jun 03 2023, 3,614 reads


Interbeing : Nico de Transilvania
Interbeing is a project which utilizes music and art to showcase the interconnectedness of everything: people, nature, and the whole ecosystem. Through indigenous songs, traditional instruments and the exquisite sounds of nature, traditions are passed on to younger generations, including the life giving value of forests. Interbeing lays a path for regenerating and recreating some old ways of livin... posted on Jun 02 2023, 1,888 reads


A Primordial Covenant of Relationship
"In this talk given at St. Ethelburgas Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee speaks about what it looks like to live in an unfolding apocalyptic reality and the creative possibilities that are waiting to be embodied. In this time of deep uncertainty, he reminds us of the ancient, primordial covenant of relationship with the living world that can give us a ground to st... posted on Jun 01 2023, 3,265 reads


The Hidden Joy of Waiting in Line
"Americans spend an estimated 37 billion hours waiting in line each year, much to our individual and collective distaste. Few things inspire as much universal frustration and ire as long queues and lengthy wait times -- many of us even struggle to wait for a sluggish web browser to load." Why do we dislike waiting so much -- and what can we do to transform that familiar feeling of frustration? Thi... posted on May 31 2023, 25,852 reads


Off By an Inch in the Beginning...
The Venerable Master Hua, famously and pithily recounted: "Off by an inch in the beginning, off by ten thousand miles at the end." I have to say -- Christopher Columbus might have benefited from that advice in 1492 when he missed India by nearly 10,000 miles. I wonder what that says about the scope of our compounding trajectory 530 years later. But luckily the NASA engineers working on getting Apo... posted on May 30 2023, 8,595 reads


Six Ways to Help Kids Grow Their Creativity
Brene Brown, bestselling author, researcher, and University of Houston professor, was surrounded by creativity as a child. "I grew up in a pink stucco house in New Orleans where my mom was always a maker. All the curtains in our house were homemade, all the art in our house was from us kids. I had dresses that matched my mom's that matched my dolls. I never thought about creativity as an act separ... posted on May 29 2023, 3,148 reads


Finding Treasure in the Ruins of Trauma
"An early pioneer in mind-body medicine, Dr. James Gordon says we are all affected by trauma. But all of us also "have a great and largely untapped capacity to help and heal ourselves and one another." Dr. Gordon founded the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC, initially to transform health care by training health professionals with the tools of stress- and trauma relief. But he soon h... posted on May 28 2023, 2,475 reads


Beauty & the Dumpster
One day, Meredith Sabini found a large dumpster in front of her neighbor's house, packed with all her treasures and belongings. The widow had passed on and her family members quickly loaded her possessions and left the dumpster behind. Ms. Sabini, founder of The Dream Institute of Northern California in Berkeley whose mission is to restore the dream as a cultural resource, muses: "It is common the... posted on May 27 2023, 24,988 reads


Soil & Spirit: Cultivation and Kinship in the Web of Life
"In Soil and Spirit, poet, farmer, and educator Scott Chaskey generously reflects on the natural world, his travels visiting growers around the country, and his insight into how we can build healthier communities while tending to the earth." Read an excerpt here. ... posted on May 26 2023, 1,676 reads


Question Everything: Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
"So what does it mean to think outside the box? All of us live and swim within a world of concepts. And our first very powerful concept is who we are, who we think we are. You have ideas about who you are that you want everyone else to know about. We identify with our gender, our nationality, race, social class, education and then we're somebodys brother or sister, husband or wife, mother or fathe... posted on May 25 2023, 1,879 reads


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I am myself and what is around me, and if I do not save it, it shall not save me.
José Ortega y Gasset

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